Scorched Earth

Well, lets start out with the basics. Scorched Earth is
an action shoot-em up strategy game. You have your tanks and you
fire a variety of weaponry at your opponent(s). The Key to
winning is based on selecting the proper mix of weaponry,
shields, and guidance systems. Please check out the Official Site for
information of the latest release.
Scorched Earth was created and copyrighted by Wendell
Hicken. Scorched Earth is Shareware and if you like the game and
play it a lot you should register it. When you register you get a
cool color manual and your get access to the most powerful tank
in the game! Please checkout the Official Site for the
newest release and information about the author.
- Baby Missiles and Missiles (The Basic Weaponry)
- Baby Missiles are your default weapon. You have an
unlimited supply. If your Money is tight and you can't
afford anything more powerful buy some regular missiles.
- Leap Frog, Baby Nuke, and Nuke (More advanced ways of
blowing your opponent off the map)
- The Leap Frog is an interesting little thing. It fires
like a regular Missile, but has the ability to detonate 3
times before exploding. It comes when handy when getting out of dirt. The Baby Nuke is
something you want in your arsenal. Fires like a missile,
but impacts with a violent explosion. The explosion is
powerful enough to take out a small shield or an
unshielded tank. The Nuke Bomb itself is twice as
powerful than the Baby Nuke.
- MIRV, Funky Bomb, and Death's Head (Blow your opponent of
the map and every body else too!)
- The MIRV is a very powerful nuke-like bomb. When it lands
on it's target four small warheads spring out like a
fountain and detonate then the MIRV itself detonates.
Funky Bombs are all most self describable. They detonate
in a similar way but the warheads go all over the place
in no predictable pattern. Death's Head is the most
powerful bomb in the game. Get these before your
opponent. You fire a Death's Head like a normal missile.
However, while in the air the single warhead separates
into six other war heads. The Damage is extensive. There
is also a possibility that one of the warhead will hit
your tank so use this bomb with care.
- Napalm, and Hot Napalm (BURN! BURN! BURN!)
- Napalm is small bomb when detonated on a target releases
fire and lava. This is adequate to weaken a shield or
destroy and unshielded tank. Hot Napalm is an extreme
Napalm capable of destroying a heavy shielded tank. I
recommend these in any arsenal.
- Baby Roller, Roller, and Heavy Roller (Let the good times
- The Rollers are an interesting class of bombs. Your fire
these a little different than other missiles because
you're aiming above the target. When the missile hits
ground it rolls to the target and detonates.
- Riot Charge, Riot Blast, Riot Bomb, Heavy Riot Bomb,
Digger, Baby Digger, and Heavy Digger (What a Riot)
- These are known as earth destroying weapons. These
weapons only effect dirt and not tanks. I'll discuss
these later in Getting out of Dirt.
- Baby Sandhogs, Sandhogs, and Heavy Sandhogs (Powerful
little rodents)
- These weapons are earth and tank destroying. The Heavy
Sandhogs can destroy entire mountains and if aimed
properly with the aid of a guidance
system will also destroy a tank.
- Dirt Clod, Dirt Ball, Ton of Dirt, Liquid Dirt, and Dirt
Charge (Get the dirt on you opponent)
- These are those wonder dirt producing weapons. Ever
wanted to literally dig your opponents grave? Now you
can! I'll talk about these again in Using
Dirt. WARNING: Using dirt in battle can be
overly annoying to your opponent and may cause you to be
the target of a Hot Napalm or Nuke.
- Lasers (Fire Mr. Sulu!)
- Laser are just cool. They can blowup anything accept a
super mag shield. However, you must correctly aim or you
will miss your opponent.
Shield and other Defenses
- Mag Deflector
- This a simple effective shield. This shield repels
Missiles, but can't defend against Death's Heads, Nukes,
Sandhogs and Laser blast.
- Shield
- This is a standard shield. It absorbs damage, but does
not deflect missiles.
- Force Shield
- This shield can deflect missiles and absorb more damage.
- Heavy Shields
- This Shield is more powerful than the previous shields,
but cannot repel missiles.
- Super Mag
- This is the best shield in the game. It can deflect
missiles and can absorb damage from Nukes and Napalm.
Lasers have no effect on this shield.
- Auto Defense Sys. (Going out with a BANG!)
- An Auto Defense Sys. allows you improved shield control.
One of it's most well known features is the ability to
detonate a nuke, MIRV, Funky Bomb or Baby Nuke/Nuke
Guidance Systems
- Horizontal and Vertical Guidance Systems
- These Systems send your missile in a straight vertical or
Horizontal line when near an enemy tank.
- Lazy Boy
- The Best Guidance System around. You select your weapon
fire, click your target, and BAM! It's gone. This don't
work with Death's Heads.
- Batteries
- If you survive a Napalm, Nuke, or other explosion your
Max. output energy will decrease. You may use a Battery
to restore it the 1000 default. Batteries also help with
Laser and Plasma Blast output.
- Fuel
- If you selected any tank but the first two (which are
called stationary tanks) you will be able to purchase and
use fuel. Fuel allows your tank to move. Extremely handy
when going in for close range Laser attack or moving away
from the Dirt pile you're about to send your sandhog
- Parachutes
- These are handy if you ever get the ground below you
destroyed. IF you have no parachute you will fall down,
lose damage and might even die. I recommend these for
every arsenal.
- Death's Head and Guidance Systems
- Even if you can't use a Lazy boy with a Death's Head the
Horizontal and Vertical Systems work great. Let's say
there's this guy (Comp or Human) who's been killing you
the past few rounds and you'd like to let him have it?
Here's what you do: Arm yourself with a death's head and
a vertical guidance System. Set your angle 50-75 deg.
facing your opponent. The angle will have to be higher if
there is a mountain between you. Set your power to
500-700. Press the fire button and click just in front of
or behind your opponent. When the death's head breaks
into the six smaller warheads all of them will head
straight for your opponent whipping him off the face of
the earth! A variation of this tactic is used when there
is a small mountain between you. Arm a death's head and
horizontal sys. then set your power to 500 and let 'er
rip. When the 6 warheads appear they will bombard there
way threw the mountain and hit your opponent hopefully
destroying him.
- Using Dirt
- Dirt is good for offensive defense (Bet you never heard
that Oxymoron before) maneuvers, that is to say you gain
your defense by destroying his offense. The best Dirt
weapon is Ton of Dirt. You aim the dirt bomb like
a normal missile and when it hits the target it erupts a
massive dirt ball. A cool alternative when the extra
dirt option is enabled is the Dirt Charge. A
fountain of dirt erupts covering friend and foe. Dirt
prohibits opponents from firing missiles, but not energy
weapons such as Lasers and Plasma Blast. A nice combo
dirt-bomb attack requires the following: A Sandhog (Baby,
Regular, or heavy) and a dirt bomb (any dirt weapon).
First bury the opponent(s) fire a sandhog into the dirt
by your opponent. This do some damage to your opponent
and maybe a little to yourself.
- Getting out of Dirt
- One of the best way to get out of dirt is to use a riot
weapon or digger weapon. If you are buried with an enemy
you can use a sandhog to take him down with you. Another
form of under dirt tactics involves a lazy boy guidance
system. You must arm a nuke or MIRV set your lazy boy to
target the opponent.
Wrapping it all up
There are other elements in Scorched Earth which are
not covered here, however the readme file that comes with the
game covers everything. Please send me your Feedback
to help improve this page. Also please feel free to submit Strategies
for Scorched Earth.
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